Partially compatible with Ethereum Jrpc API
metamask is an Ethereum wallet that is widely used. In order to promote Vision faster, Vision is compatible with some of the main interfaces of metamask. For new Vision users, you can use metamask to create Vision users.
Compatible interfaces mainly include transfer type, deployment contract call contract type, adding tokens and currency transfer operations. The ide used to deploy the call contract is remix.
eth_sendRawTransaction (transfer \ deployment contract \ call non-constant contract)
eth_getTransactionReceipt (View transaction results)
eth_call (call the constant method of the contract)
Mainnet Links
- Network name : mainnet
- New RPC URL :
- Chain ID : 888888
- Currency Symbol (optional) : VS
- Block Explorer URL (optional):
Vpioneer Links
- Network name : vpioneer
- New RPC URL :
- Chain ID : 666666
- Currency Symbol (optional) : VS
- Block Explorer URL (optional):
You can use you own fullnode as RPC server. Set the RPC URL to "fullnode ip:7080/ethereum/compatible"
VS transfer
Since the metamask account has 20 digits, the 46 of the Vision account must be replaced with 0x for transfer.
Deploy the contract to call the contract instance
Add tokens and transfer examples
Updated almost 3 years ago